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Who Are The Perianesthesia Nurses?

Posted over 6 years ago by Donna Wollman

Who are the PeriAnesthesia Nurses?

These are the nurses who take care of the patients both before and after the surgery or procedure. The pre-operative nurses check and double check the charts, laboratory results, consents health history, and the patients’ overall readiness (emotionally and physically) before entering the operating room to ascertain their safety.  They tell the patients and family members what to expect to alleviate their anxiety. 

The Post Anesthesia Care (recovery room) nurses are hidden within the four walls of the hospital, usually without a window.  But they are the windows to the outside upon waking up from anesthesia.  They are the first people to tell the patients “your surgery/procedure is done.”  They tell the time, the weather, and latest news that was missed while the patients were asleep.   They tell jokes to ease the pain on top of the medication they give. They watch the patients closely every ticking second to ensure that every breath counts.  These nurses update the family members and loved ones about the patients’ progress.  These are just a few things they do daily.  The patients do not always remember their names and faces.  But some remember the soothing and reassuring voices, the touch, and even the warm blankets they provide. They prepare the patients to go home to join their family with thorough instructions regarding the full and safe recovery.

These nurses are more than just caregivers.  They do more than just give medication and dress wounds.  They participate in the legislative events to safeguard the professional practice.   They bring patients’ and staff’s concerns to those who can influence changes and improvements to protect everyone’s health status and rights.  They are teachers, counselors, friends, advocates and social workers.  They are there for the patients and their loved ones.

Jovet T. Fisher MSN, RN

Assistant Nurse Manager OR/PACU